Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Two political posts in one day?

I begin my post with a paraphrased excerpt from a conversation with a co-worker, Phil:

Phil: What did you think of the State of the Union?

Me: I could only watch the first 10 minutes or so, all I heard was "terror, terror, terror, freedom, freedom, freedom, blah, blah, blah"

Phil: I just think he is so detached from reality.

Me: It's not that I'm anti-freedom, I just think he's retarded.

That being said... I don't actually think that Dubya is retarded, but I agree with Phil that he is extremely detached from reality. I just can't grasp how what he says actually makes any sense to our nation or how during those 10 minutes I watched he managed to not utter one single point, but rather just a conglomeration of words related to "terror" and "freedom".

And the one thing that specifically infuriated me during the portion of his speech that I watched was when he talked about how the terrorists could only use "fear" against us. It maddened me because fear has quite blatantly been our technique into legitimizing this war and take away personal freedoms through legislation.

I found this link that was sent to me humorous and very poignant, Republicans beware because you'll like this about as much as my views on politics and the war: Decoding the State of the Union

Update 2/2/06 9:30 am: I just read Jim Wallis' take on the address and though I don't always agree with Wallis, he seems dead on here.

Might Makes Right

I have a post coming on a book I just finished, but not today (good book called Marley and Me by John Grogan). Today, I just want eveyone to read and think about these lyrics, because they have been ringing in my ears lately. However, I'd like to briefly make a few short notes beforehand. First, due to the fact that I was confused when reading over my previous posts, I now plan on using correct capitalization and grammar, unless I post any poetry and such. Second, this post was originally going to have additional thoughts based on the lyrics to this song, but I decided that the lyrics speak for themselves. Feel encouraged to comment and dialogue.

"Might Makes Right"
by Camper Van Beethoven

I'm crawling through the brush, we're teched up to the hilt
Compared to us these poor guys should be wearing shorts and kilts
I've got a living breathing shadow crossed up in my scope
My partner gives the signal, pull the trigger, then there's smoke

Might makes right
Yeah might makes right
I guess that God is on our side and makes us mighty
Yeah might makes right
Yeah might makes right
They say that God is on our side I don't believe them

They want us from the villages, they want us from the towns
Who could really blame them, shit blows up when we're around
We fly above their houses with our Huey double-props
We scare the crap out of their kids, their mothers and their pops