Friday, November 04, 2005

black metal and racism

i never connected black metal with white supremacy before. i read an article in spin some time ago about the horrible true things that black metal bands in norway did in the 80's and 90's including killing each other, burning down churches, and wearing bits of bone and skull of dead bandmates around their neck. it was extremely awful and creepy but VERY intriguing. for some reason i am drawn to read and watch documentaries about things that are very disturbing or twisted. the black metal scene in scandanavia is fascinating to me.

i began reading some things on the internet and found this article that discusses two of the prominent figures in black metal and how their satanism later connected them to getting involved with and becoming figureheads of neo-nazi and fascist groups.

read the article, it is a good read, informative and very startling. i had never even considered the white supremacist groups being connected to black metal. i never thought of the EVIL that was associated with the black metal scene to be linked to the EVIL inside the hate groups like the nsm (i refuse to call them by their full name because i find their use of the word socialist misplaced and not representative of socialism AT ALL). it makes sense though. the elite fascism that is obviously present in black metal gangs like the black circle is the same type of elitism and hate in white supremacy groups.

it's just very interesting to me, very upsetting because of my strong distaste for the topic matter of racism, prejudice, and murder, but fascinating. any thoughts?


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